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COMMIT is COMMITed to providing a safe place founded on diverse and inclusive minds coming together. We will not tolerate any hate speech and any mental or physical acts of harm. 

COMMIT Code of Ethics &
Zero Tolerance

COMMIT to You Fitness Instructor Code of Ethics
and Professional Conduct

The following is a guideline that is definitive in how Commit to You Fitness, L.L.C conducts itself as a company. All rules and regulations are to be followed and any reports of misconduct will be investigated privately between the parties involved. All reported matters are to remain confidential. A final determination may lead to an immediate release from any formal contract between Commit to You Fitness, L.L.C and any of its affiliates, provided, all the evidence is clear. Commit to You Fitness, L.L.C does not need to provide any warning before revoking the license to teach and/or any other formal contract.

COMMIT's Zero Tolerance Polcy

COMMIT Dance Fitness’s Zero Tolerance Policy is part of our commitment to providing a safe and dignified work environment for all employees and independent contractors, also known as a COMMIT Dance Fitness Instructor, COMMIT Trainer, COMMIT Presenter, COMMIT Creative Team Member, COMMIT Ambassador, and a COMMIT Core Team Member, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other aspect of their identity.


All employees and independent contractors are responsible for conducting themselves in a professional and inclusive manner, and disciplinary action will be taken in situations where an employee and independent contractor’s behavior violates this expectation. The Policy covers harassment, bullying, and discrimination both in and out of all COMMIT Dance Fitness classrooms, corporate events, and non-corporate events where a COMMIT Instructor or Student is attending with the understanding that it is a COMMIT Dance Fitness related and provides a standard for addressing allegations of inappropriate behavior, ensuring fairness and equal treatment.

A message from your Founder and Co-Owners

COMMIT Dance Fitness was founded on the idea of creating a safe place for dance fitness students and instructors. To be a place where they can be their most authentic selves. It is important that we protect that innocence within us because society is hard enough on us that we shouldn't be doing it to each other.


With all the violence and hate that is being spread in the world through social media and the news we want COMMIT to be the one place where you experience is the opposite. That means that we have to make a conscious effort everyday to be a part of the change. A conscious effort to be the better version of ourselves. 


We do not and will not tolerate hate, violence, discrimination, or any form of harassment. We want to make this very clear. We take this seriously. It is probably the only time you will see us be serious. We do not take these claims lightly and will do our part to provide a fair opportunity for both sides to give their experience. 


Thank you for trusting us and for continuing provide an inclusive and diverse community that supports each other through everything life has thrown our way.




Donna Black, Founder
Black, Chief of Operations

Jessica Quande, Chief of Retail and Marketing

Continue reviewing the slideshow to see the full Zero Tolerance Policy.

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