Meet Fava
Because she's FAVAlous

In 1975, Fava was born in Pago Pago American Samoa and grew up there. She joined the military and traveled the world, and that journey brought her to the Tacoma area of Washington State. Fava has a beautiful family with her longtime partner in life, her husband Charles. They have 5 children together, her two sons are 26 and her daughters are the ages of 24, 21, and 13. Fava is a Case Worker and finds herself enjoying dancing anywhere and everywhere as her outlet. If there is space, you will find Fava dancing in it.
We asked Fava "What is your dance fitness story; Why did you start attending dance fitness classes? And what made you start teaching?" She said, "I started attending classes because I needed to get healthy and workout but Needed something that I actually like doing. I started teaching because I wanted to share the love and joy that Commit gives me with others. Seeing students having fun and smiling while we are Rocking it out makes me so incredibly happy." Fava has been around since COMMIT
was a thought. She, like many others in the Tacoma area transitioned to COMMIT Dance Fitness in 2017. The Diversity that is found in the COMMIT community is amazing! She loves seeing people of ALL ages, genders and ethnic backgrounds just coming together and supporting each other.
Fava is a part of the instructor Connect Team as 1 of 6 members that help on-board new instructors and provides ideas to continue connecting with current instructors. In her words the purpose of Instructor Connect is "to help our newly certified instructors get connected and plugged into the Commit Community. We are here to assist, answer any questions, provide information and provide support. Our team is here to make sure instructors feel welcomed and supported so that they can focus on Being their Absolute Best!" Fava is motivated by seeing people reach their goals they set for themselves. She loves to see people happy and succeeding in life.
Fava's family is the main reason she is a dance fitness instructor. Her family has encouraged her to attend out of state events because they know that she enjoys COMMIT. Her family steps up and takes care of daily activities so that she is able to attend classes or local events. Her hubby has purchased items for her, like a bluetooth speaker, so that she can use it for classes. He has even sent her songs that he thinks would be good for COMMIT choreo. He gave her the idea to use the song "Get it on the Floor" for choreo.
We asked Fava, "What is one piece of advice you wish you would have received when you started dance fitness?" Her response was, "Get shoes that are comfortable and give you the proper support. Save money so you can purchase the merch. Soak your shirts in Oxy clean before washing them!." This is just a glimpse of the random gems you will hear come from Fava. She is an extroverted introvert who loves to make people feel welcome and a part of the COMMIT Family. She doesn't currently teach at the moment due to COVID, however, she does attend classes in the area and shows up to all the events. You will see her on social media in your posts fangirl-ing you and making you feel more confident than you ever imagined.
Stay connected with Fava and the other Instructor Connect Team Members by emailing or fill out the form below and one of the team members will reach out to you.

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